
Fluoride (February 2013)

Fluoridation of water started in the United States in 1945 and despite a lack of FDA approval, continues today. Ironically, the year before water fluoridation began, the dental profession recognized and published two studies reporting fluoride’s harmfulness to dental...

Magnesium Stearate (January 2013)

A debate is in the air amongst those in the alternative health care industry. Anti-magnesium stearate propaganda has been used by select companies for several years to try and promote their products as superior to others, but is it a dangerous additive? The ingredient...

Sleep (December 2012)

Is the lack of a good night’s rest the simple answer to your problems? Did you know there is such thing as World Sleep Day which falls in March to draw attention to the issue of sleep deprivation? New research shows that throwing off our body’s natural circadian...

Flu News (November 2012)

As the winter months roll around we are exposed to a constant bombardment of advertisements promoting the influenza “flu” vaccine. The strain of influenza viruses is always changing; therefore, the Center of Disease Control (CDC) recommends annual flu shots. But are...

Skip the Soy (October 2012)

With trendy marketing tactics and endless options, the soy industry has become worth hundreds of millions of dollars. John Pi, owner of the Soy Luck Club in New York City which features all things made of soy explains his inspiration: “Look at the soy section in...

Fatty Liver (September 2012)

With the traditional Western diet rich in processed foods, junk food, refined bakery goods and sugar, many diseases are linked to what is called fatty liver disease. In the USA the incidence of fatty liver is 15 to 20% of the general population and is much higher than...