
Know Your Veggies: Fennel (February 2011)

All of us know we need to eat more vegetables. The reason many don’t like vegetables is because of dead taste buds. When one is a big consumer of highly processed foods (fast foods or eating most of your food from a box, bag or can), they’re consuming...

Genetically Modified Organisms (January 2011)

Have you seen the scientific evidence that genetically modified foods are 100% safe with no long-term health related side effects? Neither have we. What is emerging is more startling evidence that the government and seed industries “solution to world hunger” is...

Understanding Supplement Labels (December 2010)

Quickly Identify A Quality Supplement Look at the “other ingredients” usually at the bottom of the label. Artificial colors and sweeteners are used to make the product look better or taste better. Avoid the artificial sweeteners and colors: Aspartame...

Zinc: The Forgotten Element (November 2010)

Zinc has been somewhat of a forgotten element. While it was quite popular 8-10 years ago, the good ole’ zinc lozenge to ward off cold and flu in the winter seems to have taken a back slide to newer remedies on the market. However, sometimes the newest fad...

Weight Loss (October 2010)

It has been long held that in order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. If you cut back 500 calories a day, you should lose about 1lb per week. Also, if you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you should lose approximately 1lb per week. Do both, you...

GERD (September 2010)

Most people have experienced some sort of heartburn in their life. It can happen from the occasional overindulgence of pizza or spicy foods. However, heartburn that occurs frequently is called GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD occurs when contents of the...